Tuesday, August 18, 2009


It has been a while since I posted anything but I have been very busy and I am about to get busier. I have been working on my bejewelled quilt (which is still not finished) and now I have started some hand stitching here is a sneak peek

My daughter just finished her grade 3 Ballet exam I am glad that is over for another year. I have also been doing a little photography, trying to be creative. The only bad thing about doing what you love for a living is that you only do what needs to be done and you forget to do for yourself(you all know what I am talking about). So Jodi if you are reading this you have inspired me to get back into doing images for me, so thank you very much. Here is an image to show what i have been up to.

It's not brilliant but I like it and it is all about experimenting. I am going to try to post more often so keep an eye out. Enjoy the sunshine - I am!!!!!!